Child ADHD Assessment £1000
Psychiatrist led, includes a thorough general psychiatry assessment, screening for autism spectrum condition and a child ADHD assessment, includes cost of first follow up and prescription
Adult ADHD Assessment £800
Psychiatrist led, includes a thorough general psychiatry assessment, screening for autism spectrum condition and an adult ADHD assessment, includes cost of first follow up and prescription
ADHD Review Existing Diagnosis £350
Psychiatrist led, ADHD review appointment for children and adults with a pre-existing diagnosis of ADHD. Price of review includes the price of first follow up and prescription
Psychiatry Assessment £350
Psychiatrist led, general psychiatry assessment for all mental health disorders for children and adults. Includes screening for both ADHD and autism, includes cost of first follow up and prescription
Insomnia (Sleep) Clinic £350
Psychiatrist led, sleep (insomnia) clinic, includes prescription if required and cost of first follow up. Includes general psychiatry assessment as well as screening for ADHD and autism